
Fine Art Photography

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Photography is the process of making pictures by means of the reflection of light acting on a material sensitive to light. The word photography comes from the Greek words meaning to write or to draw with light.

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Like great paintings, fine art photography has the same lasting value as works of art. Through the photographer's artistic skill and imagination, fine art photography can be profoundly moving, exceptionally beautiful, and express powerful ideas.

The first crude type of camera was developed by about 1500, however, the first true photograph wasn't made until 1826. Modern photography has progressed beyond the chemical baths and darkrooms used for over a hundred years. Digital cameras are often used for professional art photographs and processing is now done on the computer.

The lines in a photograph can be used to direct the viewer's eye to a point of interest. Emotion or mood is also affected by the strength of line in a photograph. Vertical lines can convey feelings of grandeur. Strong horizontal lines are used to convey a sense of quite and restfulness. A diagonal line, or off-center arrangement suggests energy and movement.

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Photo - Tree, Solitude by David Lorenz Winston


by David Lorenz Winston

The silence of a snow-hushed landscape, in black, white and brown for a minimalistically focused atmospheric effect.

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Horse Photo - Fierce Grace by Tony Stromberg

Fierce Grace

by Tony Stromberg

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Photo - South Beach by Michael Kahn

South Beach

by Michael Kahn

Oak tree, sunrise - Ansel Adams

Oaktree, Sunrise, Northern California, 1966

by Ansel Adams

Grand Central Station II

Grand Central Station II

The proper name for this Beaux-Arts landmark is Grand Central Terminal because major NYC train lines originate and terminate there. Built back in 1913, it was saved from demolition by Jacqueline Kennedy in the 1960's.

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Golden Gate Bridge in Fog

Golden Gate Bridge in Fog

by Roger Ressmeyer

Award-winning photojournalist Roger Ressmeyer is well known for his photographs of stars, both the celestial and the Hollywood sort. His work has been featured in many well known magazines. This dramatic image of the Golden Gate Bridge from the top looking down provides a perspective of the famous landmark not seen by many.

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Tetons and the Snake River - by Ansel Adams

The Tetons and the Snake River, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, 1942

by Ansel Adams

This breath-taking shot was taken as part of a project commissioned by the Dept. of Interior in 1941. Ansel's signed original (part of a collection of 226 signed originals) is kept at the National Archive among the Records of the National Park Service.

Scripps Pier - by Ansel Adams

The Scripps Pier, 1966

by Ansel Adams

These views of Scripps Pier belong to the centenial collection Ansel Adams created to commemorate the University of California's hundredth anniversary.


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